Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Edward cullen OR Jacob black..

YES we ARE going to have this debate again. Before New Moon i would have been like "seriously, is that even a question?" Now i see that there is a need to talk about this. First of all i would like to say that jacobs BODY is so WOW. I dont think ive seen anything like it. Simply exceptional. HOWEVER he is a CHILD! Guys he's 17years old. And theres all these mothers all up in the cinema getting excited and screaming when he has his shirt off, SIS go and be a cougar somewhere else, theres children in these movies. And plus isn't it illegal to even fantasize about a minor? Shame on those who are team Jacob and are over the legal age. Im team Edward by the way, The guy just has appeal. He doesnt need to be buff to be sexy, he's mature, tall and we SEE that he knows how to kiss.

Edward has passion we dont see in men these days, he has desire written all over him when he looks at Bella. He's like the perfect man. But NO Jacobs body blinds women so much. And thats where we as woman make mistakes, we choose those for their physical attributes instead of whats inside, then you find yourself getting beaten up at the end of the day or even dumped (no pun intented Chris your still amazing).
Lets Debate with sense


  1. Ah Ah girrl!!! e younger one no!!! If Im correct Edward be e one with white tee ain't it??yea...Edward not Jacob....!!!Simply becuz he mature, women need more men that are actually gonna act like men!!! C'mon now I knw u feeling me!!!

  2. the danger that Jacob seems to bring to the situation is what attracted me to him. bt i cudnt get over the fact that he is a young one..... However, Edward, omg, this guy was reciting shakespear, or what ever that was in the class room scene. i prefer an intelligent, tall, opinionated, emotional being, who with love gives me a little mystery.
    so i vote for team Edward, all factors considered.

  3. andriesa i feel you on another level! the shakespare part got my knees shaking.. hes amazing.. And for me the jocob age thing is a huge prob for me... We can argue that age aint nothing but a number. but 17 is just to young. mentally at least, physical the guy is easily in his 20's. but mental trumphs physical...

  4. p/s was drunk when i wrote! hence the broken english!lol! deal with it!

  5. ah hem...
    let us settle this ryt here.. Edward is everything Jacob wants to be and more... Remember Jacob knew Bella first bt was not man enough to approach her.. he had to go and buff up first... Edward jus arrived on the scene, "take me as I am"... that mystique he has is so magnetizing, that darkness, the coldness.... there is a mystery to be unravelled there, nly those with eyes to see and ears to hear will truly get that. Jacob ain't got nunnin goin for him except his looks- sorry bt tis true... oh and - 20points for being a litey!

  6. hahahaha -20points thats funny dude.. ya the age is just a serious problem.

  7. upon watchin the show... i must say yeah, jacob did a good job in the gym... now he needs to work on his temper... and more importnantly his acting abilities... he was trying a bit too hard at times... Oh and Edward is still top dollar!

  8. yeh mate.. edward is certainly top dollar.. u rarely find guys like that..

